Monday, June 7, 2010

What Makes My Mondays-not what but who

What makes my Monday, this time it is easy because the what is really a who. Who makes my Mondays, my sweet husband of 30+ years.

Why? Because of all the things he does, never expecting anyone to sing his praises. Every single day, day in - day out.

1. He goes to work, even if he is sick. Truly, I have to make him stay home when he is sick, and even then, it's probably the one thing we argue about.

2. He has saved us a TON of money by his fixing my car.

3. He has saved us a ton of money because we've never had to call in painters. He's done it, and done a great job.

4. We've never had to have a repairman in to fix our washer or our dishwasher. Again, he fixed it.

5. He is my GPS. He maps the way for me before I have to go, taking a lot of the jitters out of my trip.

6. He never gave up on me making it, even when I had my own doubts about it.

Find more things to make your


Lily said...

You are a lucky lady, Sweet Mary. This is a thoughtful tribute to a wonderful man!

Kelly Frances Dunn said...

I love that you have been married for over 30 years. That's fantastic!!

SZM said...

We are at almost 21 years! Sweet post. Thank you for commenting on my blog!


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