Friday, April 30, 2010

Redemptive Suffering

Some of my readers don't understand the subject matter of a previous blog called "Offer it Up," so I have this link for you offer it up which will explain the Catholic concept.

More things to offer up:

1. when I save two days worth of corrections on a document, and when on the third day I go to review it, none of the notes are there. Offer it up. And cry.

2. getting out of my warm bed on an unseasonably cold morning. Offer it up.

3. a phone call I'd been looking forward too, becomes just a quick check in. Offer it up.

4. a long distance phone call gets dropped because of the weather. Offer it up.

5. the funds to spiff up my kitchen are used on our flooded basement. Offer it up.

6. all the bulbs we planted last fall for flowers this early spring are still just green leaves. Offer it up.

7. finished a really great book and wish it was at least 100 pages longer. (An Irish Country Girl by Patrick Taylor). Offer it up.

8. explaining decimal places. boring. Offer it up

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