Monday, May 17, 2010

What makes my Monday

As you may recall from a past blog, Mondays are NOT my day of choice. In my opinion there is a reason for songs like "Rainy Days and Mondays", always get me down. You'll notice, the song doesn't say "rainy days and Tuesdays get me down." No, of course not! Because a rainy day and Tuesday would be perfectly fine. By Tuesday, you're used to the idea that the weekend is over. In fact, rain days and any other day of the week would be fine.

Except the weekend. Rainy weekends aren't fun, but on the flip side, they aren't enough to get you down. That's left for Monday to do.

That's Jack peering into my tiny kitchen to see if it is safe to come in. It's Monday after all, and all bets are off!!

So what makes my Monday? Cats! I love my cats. We look at each other every Monday morning and my black cat Jack will yawn and stretch and look at me like "So you're here too?" Jack doesn't like Mondays any more than I do, and that is kind of comforting.

And pansies make my Monday because they have a cat face. Every Monday while I'm at the mailbox now that it is more springlike out, I see my pansies. They look out at the Monday world as if to say, "Tuesday's coming!"

Jack at his debonair best, taken on a non-Monday day.


Lily said...

I don't mind Mondays because I am usually off of all my jobs outside the home on Monday :). Inside the home...another story, but I'm home, all day. That makes Monday a good day for me!!!

Love Jack! Love you! You are always in my prayers, Sweet Mary. Cheer up, Tuesday is only a day away ;-)

Mary Bennett said...

Ah, but you aren't a grump like me! LOL!!!


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